Welcome to Talking HTML, an audio/video internet thing for web developers who are just starting out!



In WordPress always use a child theme.

  – Child Themify

  – FTP header.php, footer.php, and index.php

  – Create a robot.txt file and upload it – helps in seo/search

Use this code in a file on its own and name it robot.txt:

User-Agent: *

Allow: /wp-content/uploads/

Allow: /wp-content/plugins/

Disallow: /readme.html

Sitemap: http://www.example.com/post-sitemap.xml

Sitemap: http://www.example.com/page-sitemap.xml


Have a basic index.html template

  – can be opened in any editor

  – makes having to rewrite basic skeleton/frame code null

  – consistency across web pages/ other websites


Use Google Analytics!!!

  – free***

  – excellent in depth stats

  – as simple as copying and pasting code


In chrome use the window resizer Chrome extension

  – immediately shows screen and port size when resizing the window


Don’t be afraid to ask for help

  – Google+ Communities

  – Social Media

  – Other developers locally


If you don’t know how to do something…

Look it up!

  – no shame in consulting text books, internet



  – YouTube

  – CSS Tricks/ Chris Coyier

  – Tuts+

  – W3C School


http://www.Webdevpod.com for all the content and links



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