Session 32: A Mouth Below A Hood

In this session our heroes band together as a group and enter the city of Luskan in search of a smithy and another sled dog team for Doc while Krixis becomes interested in a pair of hand axes. Patreon: creation tool:...

Session 27: Lebron James the Dust of Disappearance

In this session Aronan, Ellie and Krixis continue their way through the castle after Krixis raises a dead minion. They finally come face to face with the dragon, but who will prevail? Patreon: creation tool:...

Session 26: I No Longer Have 2 Questions

In this session Aronan, Ellie and Krixis make their way to the castle and have an unexpected encounter with some new…friends? They are so close to the dragon at this point they can almost feel the beating of it’s wings....